Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fantasy Football

Before I dive right into this, I feel the need to catch you up.

I traveled the Mediterranean this summer (which you will hear plenty about along the way) and it left my boyfriend in charge of our living arrangements. When I came home, it was to a house and three roommates. Three guy roommates that is. I am the only girl living in a house of boys and I love it. Mostly because each of them makes up a part of the perfect boyfriend and having them all under one roof means I get the perfect combination.

Anywho, my second week home, the boys started drafting for their fantasy football league and since its been on my bucket list forever, I persistently requested to join the league. I have to give my friend Liz for sealing the deal. I wasn't going to be left out during football season and you know what? I am not doing half bad.

Fantasy football isn't easy though. It's more strategic then I ever could have imagined. I don't think I have ever spent so much time on in my life. There is a never ending supply of statistics, articles, interview, podcasts, and blogs to keep on top of. You can't just pay attention to the individual player and their stats. You have to be mindful of who the opponent is, what kind of offense or defense the opponent brings, and whether it creates an opportunity for your player to score. You have to pray for quick recoveries and no injuries. I think if you play fantasy football in college you should receive credits. 

Being the only girl in the league makes me weary of all the trades being offered. I just can't help but feel that those boys are trying to take advantage of my lack of experience. I have had a lot of injuries this season and my scores are definitely hurting. With McFadden out for yet another week and Maclin injured, I brought on Laurent Johnson because I have faith he will continue to perform. After losing Schaub to injury, I traded for Matt Ryan, Stevie Johnson and Blount. Of course, Stevie Johnson was injured today, but Blount had a solid game. Despite the rocky past few weeks, I am still not in last place and playoffs are not out of the question. It isn't over til it's over. 

I will keep you updated. 

And it may be too late for this season, but if you are interested in starting a league next year check out this article I wrote for the ins and outs of starting a league at


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